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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : We are one of the Indian exporters of Herbs and Soapnut (Sapindus Mukorossi).

We can supply you good quality soapnut (Sapindus Mukorossi & Sapindus Trifoliatus), soapnut cores, soapnut half shells, whole soapnut, etc

Botanical Name : Sapindus Mukorossi
Sanscrit Name : Ritha, Arishta
English Name : Indian filbert, Soapnut.

Uses : Fruits are employed as emetic in doses of 1 o 2 drachms, as purgative in larger doses; nauseant and expectorant in doses of 10 o 20 grains of the pericarp or pulp and kernel of the fruit. Fruits contain about 11.5% of Saponin , which is used to washing the clothes.

Our qualiy soapnuts are grown in wild , so it is free from pesticide and it is grown naturally.

Please do not hesitate to write to us. It will be our pleasure to respond to your inquiries and specific requirements.

Omshakthi Exports
Phone no : 0091-4652-227422
Fax no : 0091-4652-224373
Mobile no : 919443402767
Web :
Mail :
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Purchasing Organic fruit for juicing!
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Buyer of organic fruit for juicing.
Autres epicerie
Description : Producer, Manufacturer and also exporter of organic Domat type green olives.We have our own plant area for organic Domat type green olives with 14.000 trees.
2006\'s estimated crop quantity ca.70 tonnes and the crop quantity will be every year around 20 tonnes more in the next coming days.We produce also organic red peppers to stuff our green olives
Interested markets are USA , CANADA and the EC countries.
For the details pls visit our web site:
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques pour particuliers
Description : 1 ére méthode naturelle de traitement de l'eau de
piscine . Prix Ecoproduit pour le développement
durable 29 novembre 2005 lors du salon Pollutec ,
voir plus d\'informations sur " "
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : Created in 1987, SICARAPPAM is a cooperative with 39 members.
We produce aromatic plants and medicinal plants. Fresh, dried or frozen.

Fresh aromatic plants:

Rosa canina
Ribes nigrum
Fraxinus excelsior
Hypericum perforatum
Chelidonium majus
Vitis vinifera
Achillea millefolium

Dried aromatic plants:
gentiana lutea
Filipendula ulmaria
Crataegus oxyacantha
Calluna vulgaris
Ribes nigrum
Echinacea purpurea
Cytisus scoparius
Melilotus officinalis
Control Union
Description : organic fabric
Control Union
Description : organic cottom mens shirts, bed sheets, pillow covers
Produits de la mer
Qualite France
Plats cuisinés, conserves
Description : conserves de poissons AB et conserves de poissons sauvages avec des ingredients ab
Café, thé, chocolat
Letis S.a.
Description : Lemon verbena tea
Three offers:
1. freshly-harvested dried whole leaves with a fine limonene-citral fragrance, suitable for mono-tea. Harvest time: March/April 2007
2. lemon verbena pressed in blocks of ca. 13 kg, 8000 kg, suitable for processing and teabags
Harvest time: March/April 2007
This lemon verbena is certified as under transition.
3. freshly-harvested dried whole leaves with a very fine citral fragrance, very high quality, suitable for mono-tea
Produits diététiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Modérateurs d?appétit et substitut
Description : Miel de Agave 100% organica, ideal sustituto del azucar, alto contenido de inulinas y fructuosa, bajo contenido glicemico ideal para diabeticos, fijador de calcio en niños en pleno crecimiento, reconstruccion de flora intestinal, activa la circulacion intestinal, elimina colesterol malo, Inhibe el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas (E.Coli, Listeria, Shigella, Salmonella).La niacina que contiene, permite que limpie, drene y desintoxique, venas y arterias. Aumenta a la absorción del calcio y del magnesio
Produits sucres
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres produits sucres
Description : Miel de Agave 100% organica, ideal sustituto del azucar, alto contenido de inulinas y fructuosa, bajo contenido glicemico ideal para diabeticos, fijador de calcio en niños en pleno crecimiento, reconstruccion de flora intestinal, activa la circulacion intestinal, elimina colesterol malo, Inhibe el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas (E.Coli, Listeria, Shigella, Salmonella).La niacina que contiene, permite que limpie, drene y desintoxique, venas y arterias. Aumenta a la absorción del calcio y del magnesio
Produits laitiers
Autres produits laitiers
Description : Dairy Products, milk, cream, yogurts, quark, butter

we are the suppliers of Biodynamic/Organic dairy products, being Milk, Yogurt, Quark and Butter. All of our products are fresh. Our milk products are in 1 and 2 Litre containers. Soon to be released will be the 1 litre in a Full Cream and a Skim Milk in a carton and a 600ml in a Cafe-latte, Chocolat and Strawberry milk in a carton.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Huiles essentielles
Description : Ambrette seeds for the oil extraction used at the perfums industry.

our product are organic but our certification is in process.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Maca and Uña de gato (Cat´s Claw) in different presentations.

Maca Dried Extract and Maca Powder
Cat´s Claw Bark in pieces
Shredded cat´s Claw
Micropowdered Cat´s Claw
Cat´s Claw Extract (Total Alkaloids: 2.6 - 3.0%)

our product are organic but our certification is in process.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
